Why Does Your Vaping Taste Burnt? How to Fix It

October 31, 2023

It can be difficult to determine why a vape tastes burnt because different vapes have different burnt flavors. To start identifying the root cause, you'll need to determine a few questions, such as: Do you vape with wax, dry herb, or oil? Are you using a high-end box mod kit, a refilled cartridge, or a disposable design for your vape? When you're just starting with vaping.

Why Does Your Vaping Taste Burnt?

If you are new to vaping, you will eventually experience a terrible burnt. Thankfully, this doesn't always mean that your vaporizer is broken and that you have to get a new one; in fact, sometimes the solution is really easy. We've enumerated the main causes of your vaporizer tasting burned, along with solutions. In no time at all, you'll be enjoying the flavors and your nicotine fix again.

It can be difficult to determine why a vape tastes burnt because different vapes have different burnt flavors. To start identifying the root cause, you'll need to determine a few questions, such as: Do you vape with wax, dry herb, or oil? Are you using a high-end box mod kit, a refilled cartridge, or a disposable design for your vape? When you're just starting with vaping, it may seem hard to identify the problem, let alone fix it. you don't need to stress about solving the issue by yourself. The most frequent causes of your vape tasting burnt, and the most effective fixes are covered by the professionals below. We'll also discuss when it's appropriate to replace your device.

why does you vaping taste burnt

Comparing Burnt and Dry Hits:

You have to figure out if you are getting a burnt hit before attempting to ascertain why your vape produces a burnt flavor. Though they are rather different experiences with quite different remedies, dry hits and burnt hits are sometimes mistaken. The first step toward a scorched hit is a dry hit. It's possible that you'll notice an odd, faint flavor that wasn't there before, that your pen is producing less vapor than usual, or that the regular flavor of your vape juice is weaker than usual. Burnt hits are unpleasant and will eventually occur if you take too many dry hits from a vape pen. Pay attention to the dry hit alert and change the disposable or refill your vape tank as soon as you can. If you inhale from a vape pen too frequently, you will soon begin to experience unpleasant burnt hits. Pay attention to the dry hit alert and change the disposable or refill your vape tank as soon as you can.

Excessive Wattage:

Adding too much power too soon might still burn your wick even when vape juice is present. Box mod-style vapes typically have this problem since they have strong batteries that may provide a significant amount of power. Start with a low power setting and increase it until you reach the sweet spot for vaping to avoid this problem.

Vaping Too Much Too Fast:

If you take big draws in succession, you run the risk of using up all the vape juice that has absorbed into your wick. You risk burning the wick and getting a burned flavor if you vape more quickly than the wick can absorb vape juice.

Incorrect E-liquid Vaping:

Variations in vape juice composition require varying vape tanks. Vape juice blends with a high vegetable glycerin (VG) content are thicker and have a higher sugar content. Vape juice may scorch as a result of a blocked vapor or juice channel that restricts the juice's free flow.

Expired Or Old Coils:

Because your Coils are outdated, you might consistently burnt taste while using a refilled vape tank. Since everything ages eventually, the coils in all vape tanks will ultimately need to be changed. It's time to change the coils if you've made sure your wick isn't burned, noticed that you have enough of vape juice, and you still taste burnt. You'll need to get a new vape tank if your old one lacks replaceable coils. The majority of rebuildable atomizers (RBAs) have a coil interchange feature; however, disposable vapes, and cartridges rarely have this feature.

Best Methods to Avoid Burnt Hits:

It's time to find out how to avoid burnt hits in the first place now that we know what produces them. Recall that preventing the wick from burning is your main objective, and there are various methods to achieve this.

Keep the Tank on Your Vape Full:

The most frequent cause of burnt wicks in vape tanks is insufficient vape juice. The simplest and most direct way to safeguard your wick and prevent burnt hits is to regularly fill the tank before it begins to deplete.

Set Up Your Coils.

Priming your coils should be possible if the vape tank you use allows you to change the wick. Each device will have different instructions for priming coils, so make sure to read the handbook that comes with your vaping supplies.

Don't Add Too Much Wick Material:

Burnt hits are a common result of overstuffing your coils with cotton or other material. This implies that a portion of the wick will constantly be in direct contact with heat. This raises the possibility of burning your wick and imparting a burnt flavor. Make sure you follow to the manufacturer's recommendations about the type of wick and quantity of material to use.

Utilize the appropriate vape tank and battery:

It does not follow that a vape tank and a vape battery are truly compatible, even if they can physically connect. It will be quite simple to fry your coils if you have a really powerful vape battery coupled to a vape tank that uses less power. Because burned coils cannot be refried, this destroys your vaporizer tank.

Change Your Vape Coils Frequently:

Replacing the coils on an RBA-style vape tank on a regular basis according to a predetermined schedule is a great method to prevent harsh, burnt hits. It's similar like buying new tires ahead of time in case of a flat tire. When you are aware that your coils are nearing the end of their useful life, but before they start to malfunction and release burnt, foul-tasting hits, replace them.

Don't Use too Much Power Too Soon:

When using a vape tank for the first time, you run the risk of burning your coils if you set the temperature as high as possible. Surging electricity through a cold coil might damage the delicate electronics involved, even if the coils are rated for the temperature you wish to utilize. Gradually increase the temperature until it reaches your optimum level.

Avoid from Consuming High-VG Vape Juices:

VG juices are typically very thick and include a lot of sugar. This can shorten the lifespan of your coils over time because it will cause buildup on them more quickly than other juice ratios. If you decide to start vaping high-VG e-liquids, be sure the vape tank you purchase is made especially to handle the special qualities of VG juices.

Make your Coils Clean:

Maintaining clean coils is a terrific method to increase their lifespan because residue accumulation is frequently the cause of coil burnout. Remember, not every coil can be cleaned but for those have required good cleaning.

why does you vaping taste burnt

The majority of coils may be cleaned simply by letting them cool and then gently rubbing off any residue with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Make sure you conform to the manufacturer's comprehensive instructions for coil cleaning, as your particular vape tank can have distinct instructions.

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Ninja Vapes User

Preston on 21st of August 2024

Super helpful This guide helped me troubleshoot and fix the burnt taste in my vape